Punishment is the procedure of decreasing the likely hood of a behavior by following it with consequences.
Punishment also involves using any unpleasant or painful method to stop a child from further exhibiting an undesirable behavior.
It's a general hypothesis that for every sin, there's a must punishment as it is that where there is no law, there is definitely no sin. But its pity but a general believe that punishment is made for the purpose of correcting, revenging or teaching ones child, student, worker or even friend, but these depends on the situation of the occasion. But indeed it is not as thought, the punishment imposed on someone only either hurts or even makes the person want to do more than what he or she got punished for, but alas punishment lately is mostly inflicted on children or ones child and we mostly see it as a means that we're correcting them.from their wrongs.
So I'd be talking basically on child punishment under the following headings:
1. Verbal abuse
2. Isolation
3. Ridicule
4. Beating
5. Forcing the child to stay in an uncomfortable position.
5. Labour work e.g cutting the grass,stump uprooting.etc
1. Punishment is seen as behavior modification
2. Punishment discourages other children from exhibiting a similar behavior.
3. Making a child see and understand consequences of his or her behavior.
1. Unless it's very severe the effect of punishment maybe only temporary.
2. While punishment indicates an unapproved behavior it rarely establishes the appropriate one.
3. Punishment is capable of impeding or slowing down learning process.
4. Misuse of punishment may yet lead to child abuse.
Punishment is indeed an indirect means of child abuse as as such their are many better ways to correct or train a child than inflicting pain through punishment.
Examples such as:
1. Giving them tasks to do or even multitasking them
2. Advice and speak softly on that behavior which you wish to punish them for
3. Truth is bitter but let them know it, children of this generation are indeed more smart than they look. Let them know the disadvantages of you punishing them and hence what they should work towards to avoid it
To all parents and experts, kindly help include other alternative means rather than to punish ones child. Kindly share your thoughts and comments
God bless.