"FUNKE is newly married to d Love of her Life & expecting a baby with her husband DAPO, and so she's having unprotected sex because that's her man. DAPO however has a woman on the side, SUSAN, and he is having unprotected sex with her because she's a decent lady, loves "skin on skin", besides that's the only person other than his wife, he's having sex with, so he tells himself he is safe because its only two women..and he trusts them.
Decent Susan has her man, IK who means the world to her and she having unprotected sex with him because that's the man she intends to marry. She tells herself she is safe because she only has two men, Dapo a married man and IK.... But IK has an outside woman named CHICHI a young "good" undergrad he's also considering to marry, and is having unprotected sex with her because to him Susan is faithful so he tells himself its only two women he is having sex with so it cant hurt him. CHICHI on the other hand has no personal man, just friends or lecturers who assist her "ministry" when she has urges and IK ain't around. Do you see where this is going??? Everyone thinks that they are safe when in fact they are so unsafe & at risk. If u agree wit me on this, Join the Fight Against HIV/AIDS/ STDs Virus by Forwarding this Broadcast. It all starts with you! u can either ABSTAIN & if you r married, be CONTENTED & DISCIPLINED.
Spread the message not d virus.