Do you know that in some hospitals; OXYGEN is administered at the rate of #4,500 per hour for adults and #3,000 per hour for children.
Now; if adults were to be placed on oxygen for a whole day; the bill will be N108,000, If this is extended to a month; the amount becomes N3.24 million. For one year; it will be N38.88 million.
Now; if adults were to be placed on oxygen for a whole day; the bill will be N108,000, If this is extended to a month; the amount becomes N3.24 million. For one year; it will be N38.88 million.
The next time we are tempted to think that God seems to be unkind to us; let us remember this: He gives each of us more than N3Million monthly
benefits of Oxygen without payment. Always be
thankful to God for everyday in your life is a priveledge.